Vanessa Gray
I am Vanessa.
If we work together, you will learn more about me; I believe in order to guide you on this part of your journey, I must be authentic and brave. However, I’m a strong believer in healthy boundaries, so here’s what I will tell you on a website.
I grew up in an extremely dysfunctional home. Trauma is somewhat relative, but I can objectively say that it was, at minimum, chaotic. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you want to look at it, it did not appear to be that way from the outside looking in. Both my parents were extremely attractive, intelligent and charming. It was a priority that we lived in a building with a doorman and went to a private school. We looked good on the outside but it was a different story behind closed doors. One of my earliest life lessons: you can’t judge a book by its cover.
As a result of living in this environment, I had to work hard, stay sharp and adapt. I had to use my natural ability and develop new skills. I often refer to my strong intuition and the ability to connect and communicate with others as super powers that I once used to survive but now utilize to guide.
Over the years, I tried different methods to find happiness and fulfillment. Some were healthy, some were not. As I have tried everything from Grey Goose to group therapy, law school to Corporate America, I have great empathy and I do not judge. However, I now have personal and professional experience using effective tools for growth and change.
I help clients find solutions and provide practical, straight-talk guidance. One of my clients referred to me as his “blonde Sherpa”. I pass by the Tibetan singing bowl he gave me every day and it reminds me of my calling to guide and support others.
Those are things that I consider part of my default settings. In addition to that, I have added some “upgrades”. I have a Masters' in Clinical Social Work and I am Masters' Level Certified Addiction Professional. I have been working with affluent and influential in the field of mental health for almost 10 years. I am a licensed psychotherapist with a thriving practice in the Palm Beach, Florida area.
I am passionate about giving a different perspective and guidance to individuals looking to reach their personal development goals, find balance and achieve greatness in ALL aspects of their lives. I look forward to being an insightful guide on your journey, a collaborative partner in reaching your exciting goals. It is an honor and a privilege.